
Touch is one of the most basic human needs, deeply rooted in our nature. It is not only a means of communication, but also the key to physical and mental well-being. A good quality massage relieves stress, improves circulation, promotes deep relaxation, and harmonizes the body and mind.

I deeply appreciate the trust of the clients who come to me. I treat everyone individually, I am interested in what you come with, and whether you have a special intention for your massage (don't worry, even "just" relaxing and enjoying it is a great intention:-). It is a matter of course for me to adapt the style and intensity of the massage to your wishes and needs. My specialties are relaxing massages and treatments using the Mexican rebozo shawl.

Each session includes an extra 15 minutes for an initial conversation and final relaxation in addition to the pure massage time.

A description of each massage follows below, see the Price list for lengths and prices.

Massage Velvet Touch               

A deeply relaxing full body massage for overall attunement and harmonization. The massage in its full form (120 min) starts with a head massage, gradually moves to the back and neck area, the legs and hands are massaged and the massage ends with a facial massage. The massage can also be adapted to a shorter version of 90 min or 60 min with the inclusion of selected areas according to the client's wishes.

For the massage, I use high-quality plant-based oils, and according to the client's wishes, I combine it with aromatherapy using high-quality essential oils.

Pregnancy massage                               

Pregnancy massage is a gentle method that brings relief and comfort during pregnancy. In this time, the body goes through many changes that can cause discomfort, tension or fatigue. Pregnancy massage is performed with client lying on the side to help relax muscles, relieve back pain, improve circulation and reduce swelling. In addition, it promotes deep relaxation and harmonization of the whole body. The massage is suitable for the 2nd and 3rd trimester. For the massage, I use high-quality plant-based oils, and according to the client's wishes, I combine them with aromatherapy using high-quality essential oils.

Pregnancy massages are reimbursed retroactively from bonus programs of some health insurances. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please always check the current conditions applicable to your health insurance. 

Traditional Indian head massage           

Although this massage is performed sitting on a chair, it is one of the most pleasant, most soothing, leading to a state of deep relaxation. In addition to the scalp itself, it also includes the neck, shoulders and neck area and is finished with a relaxing facial massage.

This massage usually does not use oil (unless the client specifically wants it), so you don't have to worry about your freshly washed hair, at most the massage will create you a new interesting hairstyle :-)

Rebozo massage (for pregnant or non-pregnant)

The rebozo shawl is a traditional part of the culture of Mexico and Guatemala, where it has served women for generations not only as part of their everyday clothing, but also as a tool to support the body during pregnancy and childbirth, for massages and for carrying children.

Rebozo massage combines gentle rocking, stretching and wrapping. This method brings a deep relaxation and sense of security that benefits both pregnant and non-pregnant clients. During pregnancy, rebozo massage is ideal for releasing tension in the pelvic and back area, which helps prepare for childbirth and creates conditions for optimal positioning of the baby. For other clients, it is a great way to release stress, tension and harmonize the body and mind.

Integrative rebozo treatment with wrapping

For those who are not satisfied with a simple rebozo massage and are tempted to experience a deep sense of relaxation within safe boundaries, I offer a holistic integrative rebozo treatment with a wrap inspired by the traditional postpartum Closing the Bones ceremony.

The content of this session is not clearly pre-determined (although it usually involves a rebozo massage followed by a tight wrap). We always work individually with the topic and intention you bring.

The full body tight wrap induces a deep sense of security, activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reduces stress hormones, and enhances body awareness and grounding. On a symbolic level, it can represent a butterfly cocoon, another spacetime in which you can rest in silence and rearrange your parts to return back nourished and in new form. It is thus, for example, a great tool for integrating life changes and transitional events, but it may well be your intention to "just" try it out and explore for yourself what this space can bring you.

The entire treatment is conducted in my full attention and presence, nothing is mandatory. Should you find during the treatment that you do not feel ready wrapping for any reason, there is no problem replacing it with another massage, craniosacral treatment, etc.

Due to the tight wrapping, this treatment is not suitable for pregnant women, on the contrary, it is an excellent tool for integration after childbirth.

More details concerning this technique can be found in my Blog.